testimonial 2
LDSprepper - Deluxe Filtration Camp Sink: Simply Brilliant.
50 Campfires - Why Not Bring the Kitchen Sink?
DIY Preparedness - Cooking Off-Grid With the Rocket Stoven While Camping
Spring Break Camping - Love the Deluxe Camp Sink!
We love the sink. It makes washing our hands easy. It does not use very much water. Usually when we camp we seldom wash our hands because there was no easy way to do it. Now that we can do it easily, it feels good.
Kim Duncan - Little Highlander Academy - Our preschool had been looking for a portable sink for our VPK class for about a year due to us only having one sink in a shared class of 31 children.The sinks were way to expensive and not within our budget. I googled camping sinks one day and found the Deluxe Camping sink that looked like it would meet what we needed and was within our budget. I contacted Micheal at Deluxe Camping for more information about the sink. He was very helpful and answered all of my questions. The ordering process was easy and it took about a week for the sink to arrive. The sink is PERFECT and we LOVE IT! It has helped tremendously with the children washing their hands and brushing their teeth. In the past, before we purchased the sink, it would take forever as we only had the one sink.

Margene - I’ll just start out by saying that I love my Rocket Stoven! It was priced really well. It is super versatile in that I can add my stove-pipe oven on it and use it. It didn’t use much fuel and was quick to cook and bake things.
We baked bread in the Rocket Stoven last Friday. It was the very first time of doing it. It worked! So, for a first try at this it was wonderful. We are so happy with our purchase and plan to use it many times to perfect baking in it!
Karen - I wanted to let you know we took your/our sink with us on a camp out last weekend everyone LOVED it! We stayed by a cabin, but it was a few hundred feet away and it was so nice to have a place to wash hands and rinse off. The only problem was the kids wanted to play in it so much so I might need to buy an extra one that can be a toy for them. It definitely kept their little hands and minds busy.

Becky - I love these sinks so much that I just bought my 2nd one! These will promote hygiene so much in camping situations and also reduce the amount of water wasted.
Brian - Thank you for putting these together. They are really well made, and I'm glad I have a few. We were excited to receive our Deluxe Filtration Camp Sink. We were even more excited to set it up and marvel at the great planning and craftsmanship that went into this product. I was trained as an artist and really appreciate good craftsmanship. Thanks so much for making this sink available to us. Can't wait to try it out.
Laura - I do love this sink. I am amazed with this thing!!! Who would have thought that a sink like this could mean so much?
Natalie - Thank you for getting this out there. I love mine. And it does not use that much water to get the job done. This field sink has gone with me to outdoor activities all summer long and it is a big hit with kids and their parents. It is a must have in my book. Mine is sitting in the corner of my camp kitchen.
Leslie - The sink was a hit at the family reunion. People were amazed at how easy it was to use and how much better it was for washing hands. No more washing hands at the water jug for us. And we all washed our hands more often because of this sink.