This is a Sawyer Point One filter that comes with the Filtration Deluxe Camp Sink. It is always good to have a backup. This is also an excellent backpacking filter.
Guidelines regarding freezing weather -
Before initial wetting
Filter is safe from freezing temperatures if it has never been wetted.
After initial wetting
While there is no definitive way to tell if a filter has been damaged due to freezing, Sawyer recommends replacing your filter if you suspect that it has been frozen.
During trips
If you are in freezing temperatures, it is recommend that you store your filter in your pocket or close to your person so that your body heat can prevent freezing. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR A FROZEN FILTER.
At just 3 oz., the Sawyer Squeeze Filter is the lightest, most versatile filtration system on the market. Removal rate of 99.9999% exceeds EPA and NSF recommendations to deliver reliably potable water. 0.10 Micron Absolute hollow fiber membrane water filter safely and effectively removes bacteria and protozoa such as E. coli, Giardia, Vibrio cholerae, and Salmonella typhi.
Package includes
- Sawyer 0.10 Absolute Micron Hollow Fiber Membrane
- Screw On/Off Water Filter
- Lightweight Durable Collapsible Pouch
- Pop Up Drinking Spout
- Cleaning Syringe